FCMA Wind Orchestra FAQ’s

What is a wind orchestra?

The Oxford English Dictionary defines Orchestra as, “A group of instrumentalists performing concert music, esp. one combining string, woodwind, brass, and percussion sections.” A Wind Orchestra is like a Symphony Orchestra but only with winds, brass, and percussion (no strings).

What is the difference between wind orchestra, wind ensemble, concert band, and symphonic band?

These are all commonly used different names for the same general type of ensemble. Concert and symphonic bands tend to be larger ensembles with multiple players doubling or tripling on the same part whereas a wind orchestra or wind ensemble would be one player per part. Wind orchestra and wind ensemble are essentially the same type of group.

What can I expect to hear at a Wind Orchestra concert?

Finest City Wind Orchestra plays music of an substantially classical genre written for winds, brass, and percussion and has roughly 48 musicians. Check out our Events page or Facebook for specific concert details.

Can I join the Wind Orchestra?

Yes! The Wind Orchestra is looking for skilled players who are dedicated to artistic excellence. Please contact us to inquire.

How many performances per year does the wind orchestra do?

The Wind Orchestra does about 4 performances per year in various locations around San Diego County